Trauma Therapy Online and in person in Ann Arbor, MI

Affirming trauma therapist dedicated to liberating individuals from the shit life throws at us.

  • Past traumatic or harmful experiences continuing to negatively affect you

  • Feelings of sadness, anxiety, or anger that interfere with daily life

  • Tired of navigating the puzzling maze of gender or sexuality alone

  • Using weed or alcohol to help you deal with stress

  • Experiencing intense fear or shame around food, weight, or body image

It doesn’t have to be this way…

Nick Salisbury


Through our work together it is my hope that you can build a home within yourself. Letting go of long held burdens and learning to trust the innate wisdom of self. I am honored to witness your quest to a more peaceful existence.


  • DBT

    Dialectal Behavioral Therapy can be helpful in gaining skills to navigate life stressors. Learn tools from emotional regulation to boundaries, and communication.

  • Trauma/EMDR Therapy

    Using guided bilateral stimulation clients can unlock and reprocess traumatic memories. This can lead to symptom reduction associated with trauma or harmful events.

  • IFS

    IFS is a gentle and compassionate approach. Learn to tend to the “parts” of you that have protective for so long. Leading to greater connection to system and self energy.

  • Therapy Intensives

    Therapy doesn’t have to be one hour once per week. Can’t fit a weekly session into your schedule. Consider extended sessions.

  • Trauma/Brainspotting

    Find homeostasis and healing. Allow your brain to do the work it was made to do.

Ready to get started?

Here’s what to expect.

  1. Please email me to schedule a free 15 minute consultation call.

  2. During our call we will briefly cover what is distressing you, intentions for therapy, and if my framework rings true for you.

  3. If we are a good fit, I will send you intake forms to complete through Sessions Health and schedule our first session!