DBT Therapy in Ann Arbor, MI

Feel confident and secure with skills learned in DBT

Often times we do not have the skills to manage stress, emotions, and relationships. Learning tools like mindfulness, emotion regulation, and boundary setting can improve our self confidence and ability to dodge intense emotional responses.

You’re in the right place!

What is DBT?

  • DBT is a therapy that helps people deal with intense emotions and tricky situations. It teaches skills to handle emotions, deal with stress, communicate better, set boundaries, and stay focused on the present moment.

    An example may be the urge to drink. I may teach you the “urge surfing” skill. This technique involves observing the urge without judgment, much like surfing a wave, and allowing it to rise and fall naturally without acting on it.

    It's all about helping people feel more in control and happier in their lives.

  • If you are struggling with managing intense emotions, impulsive behaviors, unstable relationships, or difficulty regulating emotions, DBT may be beneficial.

    DBT emphasizes teaching practical skills for coping with distressing emotions, improving relationships, and managing impulsivity. If you are interested in learning concrete strategies to enhance your quality of life and emotional well-being.

    DBT requires active participation and commitment to the therapeutic process. If you are motivated to make positive changes and are willing to engage in therapy, including attending sessions and practicing skills outside of therapy, DBT can be effective.

  • The session typically begins with a check-in where you have the opportunity to discuss any significant events, experiences, or challenges since the last session.

    A significant portion of DBT sessions involves learning and practicing specific skills to manage emotions, cope with distress, improve relationships, and increase mindfulness. I may introduce new skills, review previously learned skills, or provide guidance on applying skills to real-life situations.

    If homework assignments were given in the previous session, we may review progress, discuss any obstacles encountered, and provide feedback or reinforcement.

  • NO!

    Traditional programs offer structured programming with after hours coaching, groups, and diary card monitoring. I do not offer these services.

    I focus more on incorporating skill building as a way to prepare you for more in depth trauma work with EMDR and/or IFS.

DBT therapy can help you…

  • Improve emotional regulation

  • Set boundaries/communication

  • Manage cravings to drink or smoke weed

  • Enhance quality of life

  • Find a sense of balance between emotions and logic

Envision a future where you feel empowered to navigate difficulties with grace and compassion, living a life aligned with your values and aspirations.

FAQs about DBT Therapy

  • Book a FREE 15 minute consultation to discuss if DBT can enhance our work together. Contact me here.

  • It's difficult to predict exactly how long therapy will last because it depends on many factors, including your individual goals, the challenges you're facing, and how quickly you feel you're making progress. Therapy is a collaborative process, and we'll work together to determine what feels right for you. Some people find that they achieve their goals relatively quickly, while others may benefit from longer-term support. Our focus will always be on your well-being and helping you make meaningful changes in your life.